Looking Back To Move Forward: The Wisdom Of Past Venus Retrograde Cycles
Venus retrograde is a potent time for working with one of the great benefics in the sky and manifesting long lasting changes in our life. It is a time of deep reflection, an opportunity to slow down and reassess what truly matters. But its lessons don’t emerge in isolation – each Venus retrograde we experience is a part of a larger story, weaving together past cycles into a greater tapestry of growth, love, and self-worth.
Venus retrograde periods reflect a beautiful, repeating pattern of personal growth and transformation that quite literally mirrors the sky above with our life below, when we choose to accept the invitation to work with the cycle and engage in the transformative opportunity. Its important to point out the reminder, that doing so truly empowers us to become co-creators of our reality and stories instead of victims and witnessing bystanders.
If you take some time to reflect and look back, you may notice familiar themes arising. Patterns in relationships, self-esteem, finances, or creative pursuits often surface in these cycles, inviting us to finally see what we once overlooked or embrace what we were not ready to receive at the time.
Because Venus retrograde cycles only happen in 5 signs throughout our life and happen in repeatable 8-year cycle patterns, you can loosely predict what themes may show up for you, by looking at the prior cycle from 8 years ago. This cycle of Venus retrograding in Aries & Pisces is a story pattern that repeats every 8 years. The retrograde will shift the degrees that it impacts by 2 degrees each cycle, but it is otherwise similar in the houses and signs that it activates in your personal chart. So, to glean a clue into what story you may see play out this cycle, again reflect back to the last cycle that occurred in March of 2017. This will again repeat in 2033. You will want to look at the houses that hold Aries and Pisces in your natal chart along with any personal planets included in the retrograde degrees (click here for a step-by-step). Venus was last retrograde in Aries/Pisces March 25, 2017 for 40 days, retrograding from 13 degrees of Aries to 26 degrees of Pisces. What patterns were alive for you then in terms of relationship, values, finances, or other Venusian topics relevant in the houses effected in your chart?
Take a moment to reflect:
· What was going on for you during the last Aries/Pisces Venus retrograde? What emotions, challenges, or life events come to mind?
· What desires were stirring in your heart? Did you take action or did fear hold you back?
· How have you grown since then? What have you healed? What still feels unresolved?
A significant relationship? It may resurface in some way for you this time or themes surrounding that relationship may pop up for you in a new way, allowing you to re-evaluate those themes from a new perspective. If it was a challenging experience, take a deep breath – in no way does this mean that the same challenge will re-present itself again. You are now 8 years wiser and more equipped than you were then, to begin with. Remember that you are the co-author of your story and get to shape how this will unfold for you.
By revisiting the past, we gain clarity on what this Venus retrograde is here to refine, release, or realign. Perhaps an old dream is ready to be reborn, or a past heartbreak has finally lost its grip. Maybe a version of you that once felt small is now ready to step into their power and take up space.
Venus retrograde is not just about looking inward – its about reclaiming the wisdom that we have gathered along the way. Let this be a time to honor your journey, trust in divine timing, and step into the next chapter of your life story with an open heart.
As an example, I will share a little insight into my own Venus retrograde story. In 2017, after years of IUI and IVF I decided to take a break from the emotional and physical impact of daily trips to the fertility clinic for ultrasounds and bloodwork. I had over a dozen miscarriages at this point in my life – all unexplained and this was 5+ years into my fertility journey. I was exhausted mentally, emotionally, financially, and spiritually, and to be completely honest, I just needed a break. My husband was not ready to cross the bridge into adoption yet and so I was at a standstill. Yet, my heart deeply longed for a child. So, I decided to open our home temporarily to fostering while I took some time to reset and renew. I felt it was a great way to fill my internal desire for a child to share love with and that it would be a great distraction as well. I completed the stack of paperwork, classes, inspections, and bought all the necessary furniture, clothing, toys, and other ancillary items, and embarked on the journey to become a licensed foster care parent and home in 2017. Little did I know the profound impact that foster care would have on my life at the time. Fast forward 8 years, over a dozen kids, later and I am wrapping up what will likely be my last 2 foster care cases (at least for now!). Aries is in my 9th house of higher wisdom, philosophy, teaching, spirituality, and travel and Pisces is the sign of my natal Venus in my 8th house of shared resources, karmic ties, and deep transformation. My natal Sun and Mercury sit directly in the window of the retrograde degrees both cycles. This has been a profound chapter in my Venus life story; the love, energy, healing, and transformation that has taken place in this chapter of my life all align strongly with Venusian themes of values and connection. It has deeply shaped my identity (Sun) and self-worth (largely a Venusian theme). And, while it was never my original intention (as life so often humbles and teaches us), it ultimately has unfolded that all 4 of my children are (or soon will be) adopted from foster care. The process, as well as helping neglected and traumatized children heal, has been the catalyst for deep spiritual awakening, growth, and healing in my own life. And, it was ironically the desire to help young children who couldn’t fully express themselves heal, that initially led to me discovering and opening the door to astrology in my own life. It is really fascinating to see that story woven out in reverse. What story can you find woven in your own life through these retrograde chapters? What past Venus retrograde cycles have taught you the most? Journal on these for deeper insight. The answers you may be seeking may hold a clue, or already have been written, in your past. Sometimes, we just have to take the time to reflect, integrate, and connect the dots, to see the bigger picture.
Read more about my personal Venus retrograde story in the 8th House here.