Unlocking Your Venus Retrograde 2025 Lessons: A Natal Chart Guide

To look at the themes that will be best to work with and may be surfacing this transit, you will want to look at your natal chart.

1)    Locate Your Natal Venus Sign in Your Birth Chart

You can use a free site like Astro.com to cast your chart.  Natal Venus represents your inherent approach to love, relationships, aesthetics, and values. This will flavor how you experience Venus energy this retrograde and how this Aries Star Point (3/22/2025) will activate it.

 In simple terms, we will break this down by element:

·      Fire Venus (natal Venus in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius): this Venus Star Point (VSP) will resonate strongly, pushing for new beginnings in relationship, finances, and self-worth

·      Earth Venus (natal Venus in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): may present a challenge to comfort zones, but also an opportunity to ground new manifestations (Earth carries extra magick for manifesting into the physical, tap into it!)

·      Air Venus (natal Venus in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): you can expect intellectual or social shifts; your creativity and relationships may also take on a new direction.

·      Water Venus (natal Venus in Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): may experience extra emotional and intuitive downloads, particularly in the areas of love and relationship, self-worth, and artistic expression.

2)    Look at your Natal Venus House Placement

Your natal house of Venus will show you where you express your Venusian energy and where this Aries Star Point will trigger new cycles for you this transit.  So, for example, Venus in the Gemini in the 9thHouse, is deeply connected to 9th house themes – higher knowledge and life philosophy, travel, teaching/publishing/writing.  You likely express Venusian themes, such as love and beauty, through the lens of Gemini – curiosity, communication, and mental stimulation.

3)    Identify Transit Venus – Aries & Pisces this Cycle - & the Houses Affected In Your Natal Chart

Each house represents a different area of life.  The houses where 10 degrees of Aries through 24 degrees of Pisces fall will show where you’ll be reassessing Venusian themes such as love, relationships, values, finances, and self worth this cycle.  Transiting Venus reflects the current cosmic energy influencing everyone.  The houses affected will reveal the life areas under review for you this cycle.

4)    Personal Planets Will Add Intensity

Look to see if there are any personal planets that are affected between the orb degrees of 0-13 degrees of Aries and 30-21 degrees of Pisces.   Any personal planet that will be conjunct transiting Venus will lend energy to your story also this cycle. 

5)    Look at any aspects between your Natal Venus & Transit Venus in Aries & apply Venus Rx in Aries & Pisces themes. 

This will add an additional layer of complexity and insight.  Any significant aspects (square, opposition) transiting Venus forms with your natal planets can intensify a retrograde effect, especially if Venus crosses over a natal planet multiple times during a retrograde cycle.   So, for Aries look to the other Cardinal Signs (Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and for Pisces look to other Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius).  If you have personal planets between 0-13 degrees of any Cardinal Sign or 30-21 degrees of any Mutable Sign this will be significant to note.


So, in the above example of natal Venus in Gemini, Venus in Aries will form a sextile (a 60 degree, favorable or opportunity aspect) creating a bridge between the themes of personal desires (Aries) and intellectual/expansive values (natal Gemini in 9th house placement).  In other words this transit may activate that person’s need to redefine what love, self-worth, and abundance mean in relation to their beliefs, education, and personal life philosophy.  Themes for reflection might be:

·      How does your identity influence your relationships? 

·      Do your relationships align with your personal and intellectual pursuits? 

·      Are your financial goals and values in alignment with your long term vision? 

·      How can you balance your desire for intellectual freedom with deep emotional connection? 

Gemini loves to learn, rules the 3rd house (writing), and the 9th house carries great themes of a teacher archetype. So if they have any passion or interest for taking a new class, teaching, or writing, this would be a great time to pursue these or any other passionate interests they may have.  This is a more complex layer to add in, if you are a beginner in astrology, don’t sweat this step and just look at your sign and house – it will give you a beautiful starting place for reflection!

6)    Reflect on the Past

Venus retrogrades through the same 5 signs in our natal chart in cycles that shift only 2 degrees every 8 years.  Think about Venus Retrograde cycles that last happened in Aries/Pisces in March 2017 and 2009.  What themes were happening for you during this time?  Similar themes may resurface for deeper healing, transformation, and reflection.

By understanding where Venus retrograde moves through your chart, you can align with its lessons – whether it’s about reclaiming your confidence, healing old wounds, or transforming your love and self-worth. 

People that will feel this transit most strongly:

·      Venus Return - If Venus retrogrades over your natal Venus, this is your Venus Return, marking a major period of self-alignment in love and values.

·      Big 3 – if Venus retrogrades over your Sun, Moon, Ascendant (aka Rising or AC), or your chart ruling planet, this will carry more significance.

·      Angles – if Venus retrogrades in your 1st, 7th, 4th, or 10th house


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