New Moon In Pisces: Surrender, Soul Healing, & Sacred Renewal
The New Moon in Pisces is a portal into the unseen - a moment to release, realign, and surrender to the wisdom of the soul. With Mercury poised to go retrograde and Neptune amplifying intuition, we are invited to step beyond logic and embrace the whispers of our inner world. This lunation forms a powerful grand trine with Mars in Cancer and Vesta/Hekate in Scorpio, igniting deep emotional healing, ancestral wisdom, and sacred devotion to our spiritual path. As the veil thins, we are reminded that true transformation begins in stillness, in trust, and in our willingness to flow with the currents of the divine.
This New Moon in Pisces is all about healing, emotional intimacy and relationship, and intuition and spiritual growth. Pisces, is archetype of The Mystic, The Dreamer, & The Healer. It is the ruler of Joy. It is the energy of living truly in your heart space, and embodies love and deep connection. Pisces will guide you to seek a spiritual path and search for the greater meaning of life. It will encourage you to surrender and fully trust, have faith in the greater picture, and guide you to release any resistance to the flow of life as it unfolds. It is a very dreamy, romantic energy, and revels in its never ending creative and imaginative gifts. As the final sign of the zodiac, it carries the wisdom of all 12 signs, dissolving boundaries between the self and the cosmos and surrendering to the higher wisdom and power of the universal Divine. Pisces carries an oceanic depth of emotions and feels everything deeply, absorbing the emotions of others like a sponge. Its porous nature connects us all together and radiates its innate gifts of compassion, selfless love, and healing. Like other water signs (Cancer and Scorpio), Pisces energy enables you to see deeply into the human psyche. Highly intuitive, and aligned in close relationship with astral forces, Pisceans often feel things before they know them and their feelings are rarely wrong. In its highest expression, Pisces is deeply creative, intuitive, and spiritually attuned; trusting the flow of life and surrendering to the mystery of existence. It is a mutable sign; adaptable and able to easily shift its energy, when needed. Pisces helps you find your soul purpose in life. To trust and relax into divine timing and flow; knowing that when you trust and take a leap of faith in life, a higher power will always catch and lift you up. And, that when you are aligned with your greater soul’s purpose, you will be filled with reassuring peace knowing that you are protected and doing exactly what you are meant to do.
The symbol for Pisces, is two fish, and comes from Vesica Piscis (see above) which means “bladder of a fish”. It is derived from the intersection of two circles and represents the joining of two worlds: the Divine & the human. The symbol originally represented the Great Mother goddess. It stands for the yoni, the entrance to the womb, which is also the entrance to the afterlife or spirit world. Pisces represents the waters from which life originated; the primordial Mother, the goddess of chaos, who births all beings into existence and then receives them home into eternity. The two fish are symbolized as swimming in opposite directions, representing the paradox of being human: both spiritual and material, rational and irrational, victim and savior. The cord binding them shows they are two opposites of one whole, forever bound together. Pisces is where the human and divine intersect and the challenge is to find a way to unite them in a way that both includes and transcends; to be in the world, but not of it.
Pisces defies linear thinking. It is the space where the mind cannot follow- the feminine space where meaning is found not in facts, but in feeling. Pisces energy is art, music, dance, film, poetry, and symbolism – the ways we give shape to what cannot be explained but can be experienced best through the lens of evoking emotion. Under this New Moon, logic is not the path forward. Your emotions, your intuition, and your creativity are.
The lesson of Pisces is in learning to ground in the material while allowing inspiration from spirit. As part of the service axis with Virgo, Pisces represents the polarity of spiritual service where Virgo represents a more practical based service – improving, healing, and organizing the material world. Pisces lean in deeply to hear other’s problems, feel their pain, and use emotion and intuition to empathically heal. Where Pisces leans into intuition, Virgo’s go to is analysis. Where Pisces merges into Oneness and self-acceptance, Virgo refines self-improvement. And, where Pisces has an innate gift of surrender into the unseen and mystical, Virgo has a superpower of control and detailed refinement. Both are natural at helping others in need. And both approach this through a different lens and skillset. The challenge for all of us is to learn to embody the strengths of each axis of the zodiac wheel and live in balance along the spectrum.
This new moon, you may feel a heightened sense of empathy and a deep desire to explore your inner world. It marks the final New Moon of the astrological year, symbolizing a period of closure and preparation for New Beginnings. Particularly auspicious as it opens our upcoming eclipse portal. Think of it as a cosmic reset for your intuition; the thinning of the veil between your conscious and subconscious and allowing us to tap deeply into our inner knowing. Eclipses rewrite our fate, often in ways that we don’t anticipate. They create moments of divine redirection, pulling us toward the path our soul was always meant to walk; even if we can’t yet see where it is leading. Even if, our ego or attachment to what is familiar, resists it. Ruling the feet, Pisces teaches us that we don’t need to see the full map before us, before we take the next step.
Pisces, is also linked with the 12th house of the inner psyche, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing our emotions for healing. This new moon offers us an opportunity to confront any hidden wounds or tough emotions that we may have been avoiding. It is a perfect time to reflect on what aspects of our life are no longer serving us, and declutter and let them go, before the fresh start ahead begins in Aries Season. In stark contrast to fire, the porous water sign of Pisces is not at all about force. It is a time to trust, surrender, and manifest from the deep well within our soul. Pisces is where we both surrender and create – for it is Pisces that reminds us that the visions that find us, the hopes that sing within our hearts, and the dreams that live within our minds – all come from the Divine. They have floated from the ethers into our being because they choose us….because they are for us, on our path, part of our purpose, awaiting and creating with us. This New Moon reminds us of the always present, mystical superpower that we all carry to co-create our own reality.
This New Moon is a call back to our soul, weaving Divine inspiration and offering deep healing and transformation in our life. Allow yourself to dream and your mind to wander with wild, uninhibited imagination. Dig deep into your emotions and psyche. Feel your visions coming to life as you see yourself living the life you truly want to live. The New Moon in Pisces is the transitional period right before the Spring Equinox making this an excellent time to go deep before we dive into action with the astrological new year & Aries Season beginning next month.
Technical Details: New Moon is occurring on February 27, 2025 at 9 degrees, 52 minutes of Pisces at 4:44pm PST (an angel number signifying stability amidst change, a reminder that even when we don’t see the full path ahead, we are still supported). Those with mutable energy placements between 4-14 degrees (Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius) will feel this New Moon energy most intensely.
Other Aspects Involved In This New Moon:
· Uranus in Taurus is sextile with this new moon, bringing unpredictable energy and a potential for emotional fluctuations. Getting outdoors in nature to ground, as well as connecting to art, and music, will help with grounding and tap into Pisces energy. This energetic alignment with this New Moon assists us with breaking through old patterns that obscure our progress and expansion, helping us transform with new potential insights or unexpected breakthroughs.
· Square to Jupiter – Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces. It is an excellent time to explore meaning and dive into the greater search for purpose in life. It is also a wonderful time to tap into the generosity and flow of abundance; where do you receive and give in constant flow and how can you invite more of that, in healthy balance, in your life? What are you grateful for in life? This is a New Moon that encourages growth and expansion of both your inner emotional and spiritual world. Where do you see this showing up?
· Forms a Grand Water Trine with a Trine to Mars in Cancer (who just stationed direct) & a Trine with Vesta & Hekate in Scorpio – this energy encourages a potent emotional and spiritual reset. Mars’ energy fuels renewed emotional courage, while Vesta & Hekate illuminate hidden truths, ancestral wisdom, and the power of ritual to guide us through profound healing and soul alchemy. Let the energy and power of this alignment help you to heal, tap into deeper intuition and sacred purpose, and ultimately transform.
Importance of Grounding & Self Care This New Moon: Pisces is ruled (in Modern astrology) by Neptune, the planet of dreams, imagination, illusion, creativity, psychic receptivity, spirituality, and confusion. And while we do not witness a New Moon visually, we will always feel its energy. Be sure to stay grounded with self-care routines and extra time to simply recharge. As a water sign, this is deeply needed. This New Moon is the perfect time to reflect, relax, and replenish.
Journal Reflections:
· What dreams are ready to take shape and flow into your reality? How can you channel your dreams, creativity, and/or emotions into something healing and meaningful?
· How can you align with Divine timing instead of forcing, or trying to control, the outcome?
· Where can you embrace more inspiration? What makes you feel inspired or connected to your imagination? What are some ways that your inspiration speaks to you?
· What is your intuition pulling you towards? How can you deepen your connection with divine guidance and trust your intuition more fully?
· How do you decipher between your intuition and rational thoughts?
· What do you feel has reached an ending or what cycles are you ready to bring to a close?
· What people, habits, and activities help you better connect with hope and purpose?
· What illusions or dreams are you ready to release in order to see your soul’s truth more clearly?
· What ancestral or karmic wounds (Hekate in Scorpio) are ready for transformation and release under this New Moon?
· Where are you being invited to trust the unseen and take a leap of faith in your soul’s journey?
· What messages have been whispering to you through synchronicity, dreams, or inner knowing, and how can you act on them?
May this New Moon in Pisces guide you gently into the depths of your soul, where dreams, intuition, and divine wisdom merge, illuminating the path of surrender, healing, and sacred renewal in your life. Making space and allowing for your deepest heart’s desires to be planted and emerge in the next six months ahead.
Dancing with Mars: Working with His Synodic Cycle
Uncover the secrets of the Mars Synodic Cycle and its profound influence on motivation, ambition, and transformation. Learn how this celestial journey impacts your energy, life patterns, and astrological transits, empowering you to align with the cosmos and embrace personal growth.
From Earth, the planet Mars (the closest planet outside of Earth’s orbit) has a regular, visible pattern in the sky that can be observed. We call this pattern a synodic cycle.
The Synodic Cycle of Mars begins and ends with its relationship with the Sun and refers to the full orbit of Mars with the Sun which takes 780 days or roughly 26 months. The Sun is our sense of purpose in our lives, it is the core essence of who you are - your soul’s purpose, vitality, and the light you radiate. Mars is the energy that drives and fuels your ability to act on that purpose, embodying your courage, willpower, and determination. It is the sacred warrior energy that takes the Sun’s purpose (your Divine Will) and brings it into the world through action and desire. It is the “how” that fulfills the Sun’s “why”. In other words, the Sun holds our vision and Mars actualizes it. Without Mars, the Sun’s purpose remains unfulfilled, existing only as unrealized potential. Both are dependent on the other to fully fulfill their destiny. They work together to bridge the spiritual and physical realms and, when in harmony, they align and create a balanced flow between vision and action. The esoteric journey of integrating the Sun and Mars is learning to act with purpose - Mars through the wisdom of disciplined action aligning with the higher light of the Sun, while the Sun reminds Mars to act in service of the greater good, avoiding impulsivity and self-centered ambition.
The Mars synodic cycle influences how we experience and work with Martian themes like:
Energy & Drive - the cycle will reveal how our motivation and energy levels ebb & flow over time.
Conflict & Action - Mars’ retrograde and opposition often coincide with heightened conflict or the need to re-evaluate how we assert ourselves.
Ambition & Goals - cycle marks phases of initiation, culmination, and adjustment in our pursuit of goals.
In Shamanic Astrology, the synodic cycle begins with the Mars-Sun opposition. This perspective emphasizes the conflict and tension inherent in the Mars opposition, viewing it as a crucial turning point in the cycle where confrontation and necessary change are likely to occur and kicks off the transformative cycle (6 phases). In Western Astrology, it begins with the Mars Cazimi (Mars conjunct the Sun). This approach sees the cazimi as the initiation point of the Mars cycle, signifying a time of intense focus, motivation, and potential for strong action due to Mars' close proximity to the Sun.
I think both views of the cycle carry value; its a personal preference in what story framing most aligns with you. Let’s look at the Shamanic Astrology Cycle in closer detail. In its opposition with the Sun, Mars is physically closest to the Earth. This is when Mars rises in the east as the Sun sets in the west and is called an acronychal rise. The zodiacal sign that Mars is in when beginning their Synodic Cycle is called the overtone. The planet typically spends 7-8 months in the overtone sign before, during, and after, the acronychal rise.
In Shamanic Astrology this Synodic Cycle pattern is divided into 6 distinct phases which is outlined below. In this train of thought, Mars represents the archetype of the Divine Masculine and explores the ideas of healthy masculinity, such as standing in one’s power, embodying courage, and pursuing passion and purpose with integrity. If you are working with Divine Masculine healing, Mars can provide insights into your natural assertiveness and how you channel that energy in healthy ways.
Phase 1:
Beginning with the acronychal rise, Mars is retrograde for half of this phase and also at its brightest. Phase 1 ends when Mars returns to back to the original point in the sky (sign and degree) that it was at arconychal rise. Shamanically, Phase 1 is like the Call to Adventure or the start of the Vision Quest. It can also be seen as a birth and emergence as well as an early youthful period of time for the Masculine.
Phase 2:
This is the longest phase of the cycle and typically spans 10-11 months. During this phase of the cycle Mars meets the Moon on a monthly basis. In Shamanic Astrology, these are known as the Challenges and represent specific areas of growth for the masculine varying greatly on the sign and constellation that Mars is in. Phase 2 ends when Mars disappears in the glare of the Sun (15 degrees from Sun).
Phase 3:
This phase lasts 3-4 months and is known as the “underworld phase” and is a time of masculine surrender. From Earth, Mars is now on the other side of the Sun during this phase. Shamanically, it is celebrated as Native American Sundance of Okeepa initiation. It is a process of facing one’s fears and death/rebirth.
Phase 4:
This part of the cycle occurs when Mars is visible in the early morning, right before sunrise. This phase lasts 4-5 months. It ends when Mars re-enters the zodiacal sign that it was in at the acronychal rise.
Shamanically, this phase is about rebirth and growth, or harvesting the potent wisdom from the Phase 3 journey through the underworld.
Phase 5:
This phase begins when Mars re-enters the zodiacal sign of its original acronychal rise. Shamanically this represents the gift of maturity and elder wisdom. This phase ends when Mars reaches the zodiacal sign of its next undertone.
Phase Zero:
This is a period of gestation in preparation for the next phase of the Mars cycle. It includes metamorphic shift from one sign/archetype to the next, carrying with it the wisdom of the previous cycle.
The cycle ends at the acronychal rise / Mars-Sun Opposition.
Looking at the Western Astrology Approach, there are also 6 key phases, aligning with her movement and angles with the Sun:
Conjunction - Mars sits behind the Sun and is invisible as it is obscured by the Sun’s glare. This is symbolic of the “seed point” in the cycle, akin to a new moon. It represents a time of initiation, setting intentions, and beginning new actions. New energy & plans related to Mars begin to germinate.
Emergence - Mars as a Morning Star; Mars emerges from the Sun’s glare and becomes visible in the morning sky before sunrise. This is a period of growing awareness and active engagement. The seeds planted begin to take form. This is a time to act on new ambitions, confront challenges, and assert independence.
Opposition - Mars is Opposite to the Sun; this is when Mars is physically closest to the Earth, at its brightest, and is visible all night. This is considered the “Culmination” or peak of the cycle; akin to a full moon. Actions, conflicts, or themes come to full expression and it is a time for resolution or escalation of issues.
Retreat - Mars as an Evening Star; after its opposition, Mars begins to move away from Earth and appears in the evening sky after sunset. This phase represents a waning energy in the cycle. A time to reflect and integrate lessons learned during the peak; ie. analysis of results, adjust strategies, and let go of what is not working.
Retrograde - Mars appears to move backwards in the sky from the Earth’s perspective (an illusion due to the differences in orbital speeds between Earth & Mars). Mars slows down her external progress and invites an inner exploration into Mars energies (goals/action, anger, desire, conflict, and energy expenditure). This is an invitation to internally reflect on past conflicts, reassess desires and actions.
Return to Conjunction - cycle begins anew as Mars returns back to align with the Sun again.
The Mars synodic cycle aligns beautifully with the Hero’s Journey as it represents a cyclical process of growth, challenge, and transformation through the lens of our personal drive, courage, and the Divine Masculine.
Call to Adventure - Mars Cazimi. The hero hears the call and begins his new journey. Your individual inner warrior is reborn with new desires, ambitions, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Crossing the Threshold - Mars Evening Star Phase. The hero crosses into the unknown and the journey begins.
Trials & Challenges - Mars Opposes the Sun. The hero’s story unfolds as he confronts external trials, allies, and enemies. It is a time of testing strength, courage, and resolve forcing you to confront fears and limitations. Emotional triggers and external pressures test your ability to stay focused, aligned, and in balance.
The Descent & Ordeal - Mars Retrograde Phase. As the illusion of Mars moving backwards in the sky unfolds, so does this symbolize a backward motion on our journey. This is the chapter of deep inner work and integration. It is the dark night of the soul on our journey. The hero confronts their shadow, unhealed wounds, and inner demons. It is a time of reflection and re-evaluation. The Divine Masculine energy becomes introspective and invites you to evaluate how you take aligned action.
The Atonement - Mars Direct & Emerges As the Morning Star. The hero integrates their lessons and emerges transformed. This is a period of clarity, understanding, and alignment with one’s true purpose. You will emerge with a renewed sense of confidence and drive. The lessons learned in retrograde help refine how you assert yourself and take action in the world. You will begin to engage in the world in a much more empowered way.
The Return Home - Mars Approaches the Next Conjunction (New Cycle Preparation). As he moves closer to the Sun, he completes his cycle. The hero returns home with newfound wisdom and strength, ready to share their gifts with others and begin again on a new chapter of their journey. New rebirth and wisdom of your Divine Masculine Energy emerges.
As the Mars Opposition occurs today, it offers the reflection of clarity re. patterns of confrontation or empowerment that have surfaced:
What situations or relationships in my life are testing my courage and assertiveness right now?
What drives my actions today: love, fear, or anger? How can I align more with love, trust, and purpose?
In what areas of my life do I need to reclaim my power and take action?
How can I face challenges with strength and integrity instead of aggression or avoidance?
Who or what is triggering me today and what lesson does this hold for my growth?
What can I do today to balance boldness (Mars) with mindfulness (Sun)?
Am I taking actions that align with my long-term goals and values or am I distracted by short term frustrations?
The Mars synodic cycle reminds us that most things in nature have a cycle and that attuning to that cycle can often impart wisdom and beautiful shifts in our alignment in life. As the classic phrase from the Emerald Tablet reminds us “As above, so below”, tracking Mars’ phases in your natal chart allows you to align your actions and ambitions with the natural rhythm of the cycle, enhancing your own personal effectiveness and growth.