The Balance of Brilliance: Self-Growth Under the Leo Full Moon

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 Leo Full Moon at 24 Degrees at 8:53am EST

Key Aspects:

·      Opposite the sun, Mercury in Aquarius

·      Square Uranus in Taurus

·      Mars (Rx) in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces

Themes to focus on under the energy of this Full Moon:

·       Where Uranus is shaking you awake and asking you to pay attention?

·       What is dimming your soul light and ability to shine?

·       Where you are not being yourself and in full integrity and authenticity?


The last Cancer Full Moon came to illuminate the way forward into our year. Then, to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision, was the Aquarius New Moon, asking us to assess where we stand in our authenticity and break free from comparison and social conditioning.  Now, to help us to take big, brave, bold steps towards our future, is the Leo Full Moon. Like all of our moons so far this year, this full moon is working with Uranus, the Great Awakener, who really wants us to listen.

This Leo Full Moon is the perfect mix of Aquarian and Leo energy.  While both signs teach us to embrace authenticity, Aquarius (collective authenticity) and Leo (personal authenticity) is about balancing individuality with the need to connect with, and contribute to, the world around us. 

Leo represents the raw, unfiltered expression of the self.  It allows us to tap into the deep inner wisdom of our heart.  It rules creativity, play, and the courage to shine.  Leo is about being seen and celebrated, and standing boldly in the spotlight of one’s own truth.  It teaches us that genuine authenticity comes from embracing one’s personal desires, talents, and passions, unabashedly – and without external validation.  It is the courage to make up your life in any way that you desire.  And, it is asking you to look at where you are still playing small and giving your power away.  Whatever it is that you are doing, thinking, dedicating your money, energy and thoughts to – that is what has your power.  Does it align with what you truly want in your life?  Because if its counter to that – if its destructive or toxic in any way, that is what it means to give away your power.  And Leo wants you to deeply explore your desires. By becoming aware of what or who you give away your power to, you can reclaim it.  Leo asks you to fully embody and express yourself authentically – even if it means risking rejection or standing alone.  Trust that anything surfacing right now is doing so for your highest good.  Any vulnerability you may be feeling is intended to help you experience a deeper level of intimacy with yourself.

Leo is, at its essence, about radical self-love.  This moon is illuminating any places of self-betrayal that may be lingering in your life.  Are you hiding or seeking validation for yourself?  If so, where?  Radical self-love and acceptance means you are able to be fully yourself around the people closest to you.  If you are in relationships that you aren’t your full, authentic expression of self, or you’re in a situation where you are not standing in your own power, there may be a situation or power struggle that surfaces to force you to see and acknowledge this dissonance and make changes.

The polarity opposite, Aquarius, seeks authenticity also, but from a different perspective – through the lens of alignment with a higher vision.  Aquarius is less concerned with personal recognition and more about staying true to one’s values, even if that means going against the grain.  Aquarius’ authenticity isn’t about ego – it is about being uniquely yourself while also uplifting and improving humanity as a whole. 

Both of the signs help provide axis balance.  Leo reminds Aquarius that authenticity isn’t just about ideals and intellect, but that it must be embodied and expressed with heart and passion.  And Aquarius, reminds Leo that authenticity is not just about the self, but must be aligned with a greater vision and purpose.  Together, they both teach us that true authenticity requires both personal courage (Leo) and a commitment to something beyond self (Aquarius).

As the sign ruled by the Sun, Leo represents our radiant core– the raw essence of who we truly are. The Sun represents our vitality, our self-confidence, and our heart centered leadership.  This Moon carries the power to help you break free from anything dimming your light. It offers us an invitation to reconnect with what lights us up inside and share that magical spark with the world.  Still in Aquarius Season, we are also reminded that we are energetic beings with our own unique frequencies. Leo reminds us of the incredible power of heart centered consciousness– that our heart creates an electromagnetic field more powerful than any other part of you, extending far beyond your physical body and touching everyone around you. This Full Moon invites you to tap into this remarkable power. Remembering that when you operate from your highest Self, you remain constantly connected with your heart’s wisdom.  And, that when you align with your heart's frequency, you become a beacon of light for others. You naturally inspire others through your authentic expression of love, gratitude, and acceptance.  Think of your heart as your energetic messenger to the world– now is the time to raise its vibration and clarify its expression.  Your individual light becomes part of the greater awakening of consciousness on our planet.

Following your heart requires courage. Unlike your mind, your heart isn't interested in perfect plans, spreadsheets, or nitty, gritty details. The heart speaks to us through the lens of emotion – through joy, love, compassion, and yes, sometimes through pain or fear. Leo teaches us to embrace all of these feelings with strength and self-love. You have the power to face anything within yourself with compassion and understanding. By tapping fully into the expression and wisdom of your heart, you step into your natural ability to lead and inspire others. While we often think our mind runs the show, it's actually our heart that knows the way forward. Your heart connects you to life's purpose and the infinite wisdom of the Universe. Your mind is simply along for the ride.

This Full Moon also invites us to heal through inner child work. Leo energy naturally connects with the pure joy of childhood, bringing to light any wounds around love, approval, and courage that formed in our early years. Spend some time exploring your inner child and their needs this week.  What do they need to feel truly loved? Let them know they are perfect exactly as they are. Reflect on your earliest experiences with love - were you taught that love had to be earned? Did you learn to seek approval from others? This Full Moon supports you in healing these old patterns and remembering that you deserve love simply for being you. Let Leo’s energy remind you that you are always enough and you are always worth of love, just by being you.  Feel into this truth and recognize that you have the power to give yourself any unconditional love that you may have missed as a child.  Start peeling back those layers of wounding and show that child within you the radical, unwavering, and unconditional love and self-acceptance that we are all hardwired to need and watch your healing begin to unfold.

Leo energy also helps to remind us that our own uniqueness is our superpower. We each have special gifts and talents that only we can shine and share out in the world. Each of us carries a unique message from our heart that needs to be expressed. True leaders inspire through authenticity, lighting up any room they enter with their presence. As you begin to follow this lead, and share your gifts freely, watch how your own authentic energy inspires others. When you share your true self without hesitation, you give others permission to do the same. Leading through love and authenticity literally has the power to create ripples of positive change throughout the collective consciousness.  This Full Moon asks: Are you ready to take up your space? Are you willing to be seen in your full radiance?

There are several aspects in the sky during this Leo Full Moon, which create powerful opportunities for breakthrough and transformation.

The Moon and Sun Square Uranus in Taurus, bringing revolutionary breakthroughs in how you express your authentic truth. This energy will shake up anything blocking you from shining your brightest light. Uranus loves to surprise us with sudden insights and unexpected changes– all designed to wake us up to our highest potential. You may feel called to break free from situations, relationships, or beliefs that have kept you playing small.  

While unexpected changes may feel unsettling, trust that any disruptions are actually intended to guide you towards living more fully from your heart. Uranus in Taurus specifically helps you revolutionize your relationship with your values and self-worth, supporting you in claiming your natural right to shine radiantly. 

Mercury is also conjunct the Sun in Aquarius, illuminating new, brilliant ideas about how to share your unique gifts with the world. This may offer new insights and clarity about your future, helping you see innovative ways to create positive change through your self-expression. This alignment supports you in articulating your truth in ways that inspire others and contribute to collective evolution. You might receive amazing insights about your path forward or suddenly understand how to communicate your heart's message more effectively. It is a powerful time for brainstorming, writing, speaking your truth, and connecting with others.  Especially after the Mercury-Sun cazimi we just had Sunday, this energy will be felt potently.  In conjunction with Uranus, expect to be offered an opportunity to look at something through a completely new and innovative lens; to think outside the box in a way you perhaps haven’t before.  And, applying this energy to Leo, this will enable you to learn to shine even brighter, perhaps, in a new, unique way.

The Moon also opposes Mercury in Aquarius, creating a powerful bridge between your heart and mind. This alignment helps you find the perfect balance between feeling and thinking, allowing you to express your emotional truth with clarity and wisdom. While oppositions can create tension, this one offers a beautiful opportunity to integrate your emotional intelligence with your intellectual understanding. You're supported in finding ways to communicate your feelings clearly while maintaining awareness of the bigger picture. This aspect will help you share your personal truth in ways that contribute to collective awakening.

Mars (still retrograde!) in Cancer Trines Saturn in Pisces and offers a beautiful flow of energy that will support you in taking aligned action. Mars in Cancer connects you deeply with your emotional wisdom, encouraging you to move forward in ways that feel nurturing and authentic. The retrograde motion invites you to dive deeply into your innermost world and refine how you assert yourself and take action. Saturn in Pisces adds spiritual depth and grounding power to your efforts, helping you build lasting foundations based on your intuitive guidance. This trine creates an easy flow between your emotional wisdom, spiritual insight, and ability to create concrete change in your life.

Together, this energy helps to amplify the moon’s potential for growth and awakening. The square to Uranus breaks open any limitations holding you back from your full expression. Mercury aspects illuminate your path forward with clarity while helping you communicate your truth effectively. And the Mars-Saturn trine supports you in taking practical steps aligned with your heart's wisdom.

Where the Full Moon happens in Leo is the part of your chart you are meant to shine into and illuminate.  Think about how you are learning in life to shine in this house of your chart.  Because again, this Full Moon is going to give you a breakthrough about it.  This is a powerful time for transformation.  What you choose to do with that invitation, is completely up to you.  You might experience unexpected revelations about your path forward or feel called to express yourself more boldly than ever before. However this lands for you, welcome these shifts - they're helping you align more fully with your authentic self and highest potential.

Journal Reflections:


·      Where are you holding back your gifts, your voice, or your presence?

·      Are you leading from your heart or are you stuck in ego battles and pride?

·      Where do you seek validation and how can you validate yourself instead?

·      What childhood passions or creative pursuits have you abandoned but may bring you joy to reconnect with?

·      How do you respond to being seen and celebrated?

·      How are you embodying joy, play, and pleasure in your daily life?  How can you invite more?

·      How are you uniquely meant to shine in this world?

·      Where do you let fear of failure keep you small?

·      Where do you dim your light to make others comfortable?

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Revolutionary Renewal: Embracing the Aquarius New Moon’s Call for Change

Under the visionary light of the Aquarius New Moon, the cosmos calls for innovation, liberation, and bold new beginnings. This lunar reset sparks fresh perspectives, ignites radical ideas, and encourages us to break free from the past. With a powerful Grand Air Trine energizing the skies, our minds are sharp, our voices amplified, and the winds of change are blowing in our favor. It’s time to embrace the unexpected, set intentions for the future, and step into our most authentic selves.

Aquarius New Moon – 9 degrees of Aquarius on Wednesday 29, 2025 at 7:26am EST


Interesting Aspects:

  • Uranus – (Modern) Ruling planet for this full moon is at 23 degrees Taurus.  Is currently retrograde and will station direct the day after.  Uranus represents the higher mind or the observer, while Mercury represents the ordinary mind (negative thoughts, broken records, brilliant ideas, etc).  Uranus represents the part of us that watches everything happening inside us and does not judge it. Saturn (Traditional) Ruler of Aquarius provides the grounding needed to build lasting change while Uranus inspires radical shifts and fresh perspectives.  Both rulers carrying the dual power of structure and rebellion.  This balance reminds us that innovation often requires honoring the lessons of the past while fearlessly breaking free from outdated systems that are holding us back.

  • Aquarius Stellium: Conjunct the sun, Mercury, Chariklo, and Pluto

  • Trine Jupiter (still retrograde) in Gemini and Black Moon Lilith in Libra; creating an air grand trine.  This supports the energy of fearless self-expression, radical new ideas, and an amplified ability to challenge norms while maintaining diplomacy.  It is an excellent energy to support intellectual breakthroughs, further explore our visions for the future, and reclaim our personal power through our words and ideas.

  • Square Vesta in Scorpio – this creates a tension between innovation and deep, focused devotion.  It calls into focus our inner sacred flame; what it is we are called to be in service to.  And may also help surface hidden truths or subconscious attachments that are holding you back from personal freedom (Aquarius).

  • Dark Goddess Energy – Eris and Medusa oppose Black Moon Lilith, Hecate is square, Persephone is conjunct Pluto.  This speaks  to deep truth, wisdom, shadow work, transformation, and radical awakening.  Deep sacred feminine energy at work to help support our growth.

The last New Moon in Capricorn came to set the tone for the year ahead and move us into deeper purpose and align with our potential.  Then, to illuminate our way forward was the Cancer Full Moon encouraging us to lean into our intuition, nurture our inner home, and empower us to step fully into our path ahead.  Now, to quantum leap us into new timelines and a new future vision, is the Aquarius New Moon.  The first new moon of Aquarius with Pluto fully ingressed and present, this New Moon is visionary, bold, and ignites the new Plutonian energies of Aquarius.  It offers serious momentum for transformation.  This is the first meeting of both the Sun and Moon in Aquarius and she will be loud and revolutionary.  Adding even more magick, it aligns with the Chinese Lunar New Year and the Year of the Snake which is a “9” in Numerology.  The number 9 as well as the Snake, represent letting go of what no longer serves us to make space for what we wish to call in next.  It is symbolic of transformation and Scorpio energy (ruled by Pluto).  This energy is all about shedding our old skin and stepping into higher frequency.  And while Plutonic/Scorpionic energy can be quite intense, Aquarius helps us remain objective and detached (two of its gifts!), trusting that any shedding that is happening right now is for our greatest good. 

Represented by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is an air sign that pours forth the wisdom of creation to encourage humanity towards a better future. It teaches us that our individuality is not separate from the collective – it is what enriches and uplifts it.  It encourages us to break free from limitations, embrace our own unique purpose, and imagine a brighter future for ourselves and the world.  The astrology in the sky supporting this New Moon creates a powerful moment for deep emotional healing, creative expansion, and stepping into the unknown with faith, optimism, and wisdom.

Under the energies of this new moon, I want to encourage you to really look towards the future and get very real and clear about what exactly you want for your life.  And, I want you to make sure these intentions are big, bold, and expansive – ie. they should stretch you in some way.  Make sure that the intentions you set for yourself this new moon are fully in alignment with the vision and desire you have for yourself ahead.  Trust what you are being called towards and look, to your long-term future and what you want for yourself, over the next year, 5 years and maybe even the full 19 years that Pluto will be in Aquarius.

Don’t look for quick fixes at this moon or things that may temporarily make you feel a bit better about your life. Although useful at times, this moon wants something much deeper, more visionary, and for you to take a courageous quantum leap and expand into new territory.

It is time to stop playing small.  Dig deep into your soul and call forth the desires that most deeply resonate with you and the life you wish to manifest ahead.  Do you feel stuck and deeply crave more fulfillment? Instead of writing an intention to feel unstuck, perhaps dig deeper.  What did you used to do – perhaps even years ago, as a child, that made you feel most alive, in the flow, and truly connected?  Was it playing unabashedly, drawing, hiking, making music, or ­­­­­travel adventures that you most remember fondly?  Tap into that creative spark inside of yourself and bring it to life in some way this new moon and rediscover your joy.  The vitality you fuel from that simple step could very well be the spark that will next help you tap into a passion project that offers you a job change in the near future or raises your vibration enough that you start attracting new opportunities or even a new partner.  Sometimes it is the little, but meaningful, steps that we take that help re-align us to our life path and start the internal motion we need to move us closer to our larger dreams.  The only thing you need to do is lean into your soul self and trust that you are never given a dream without also being given the means to achieve it.

With Saturn, the traditional ruler of this new moon in Pisces conjunct Venus, and Uranus, the modern ruler of this new moon sextile Venus, Neptune and the North node in Pisces, you are going to be able to access deeper levels of consciousness and receive wisdom, direction, guidance, and answers that can’t be accessed or understood on a human level.  All of this Aquarian and Pisces energy is asking us to move into the intelligence beyond our human consciousness and to tap into the sacred, the spiritual and the Divine.  Venus, as of yesterday, entered her pre-retrograde shadow in Pisces.  She is inviting us to blend spiritual dreams with practical commitment.  Asking us to heal emotional wounds, cultivate unconditional love for ourselves, and to build a solid foundation for both our creative and relational growth. 

Whenever Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, meets the moon, we are always taken deep into our subconscious, where we encounter our shadows, all that we have hidden from ourselves and others, as well as, our deepest emotions.  And, as this new moon truly wants to free you to move into a new timeline, you may feel this energy even more so. Pluto shows us where we resist change and is the planet responsible for the death, rebirth and transformation process that breaks down and reshapes our ego, taking us closer to our soul. But Pluto will only strip what is out of integrity and alignment with your soul’s path.   Pluto teaches us through pain or purpose. If you’ve been avoiding what you know needs to change in your life you may feel it intensely this new moon, as not only Pluto but also Uranus tries to free you from what is no longer in alignment with your soul.  This will be especially true with so many planets in Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac asking you to let go of anything that has expired on a soul level so that you can move on and into new timelines in your life.

I have a natal Pluto complex and I can attest to this – Pluto is an energy I have come to have great respect for.  There have been many dark nights of the soul in which I have been brought to my knees through the wrecking ball like energy of Pluto in my life.  But, over time, I have learned to surrender to this energy.  Even, when it is hard.  Trusting that he is there to bring me closer to my authentic self and the path that I was designed to walk.  Sometimes, we get comfortable and out of alignment.  Pluto will help snap you back closer to your purpose.  That snap is always a bit less harsh when we surrender to it vs. a reckoning through force.

You may notice lots of past memories or habits surfacing to be healed and released.  There is a huge opportunity for healing at this new moon as Chariklo, the cosmic midwife, and wife of Chiron, is conjunct the moon. Here, she holds space for our deep healing and supports us through big life transitions. She will help you with any deep healing that you need to do so that you can move to the next stage of your evolution.

Once you’re in alignment with the changes that need to be made and the places in your life that need transformation, Pluto will call you forwards with purpose and take you into the next level of potential and empowerment in your journey.  You’ll suddenly be able to see the world differently and find new out-of-the- box solutions, insights and inspiration coming through to help you along your way. This is when you’ll be called to rise as Uranus pushes you to be more authentically you, as that is what will ultimately create all of the shifts and changes that you are desiring in your life.

This new moon is a call to deep authenticity, truth and who you want to be in this new world, and all of this can only come from the inside. Jupiter’s supportive trine is bringing a hopeful, optimistic energy where literally anything feels possible. Especially as Jupiter is currently retrograde in Gemini, asking us to find an inner expansion around our stories and inner narrative, as the internal dialogue and stories we tell ourselves directly determine what is and isn’t possible. Make your inner story is one that is rooted in belief and trust that anythingis possible for you when you are in alignment with your soul’s path. This may take time, work and effort, but if something is in alignment with your soul it’s already yours – you just need to align your current life with the timeline in which that thing already exists.

Begin to follow more of what is true and aligned for you, even if it feels far away right now, and free yourself from the past and limitations in your life - anything, including people, behaviors or beliefs that you have outgrown, so that Uranus doesn’t need to do it for you.  When Uranus stations direct, tomorrow, the day after this New Moon, it asks you to break out and set yourself free of anything that has been restricting you or holding you back. It’s like releasing the bow from the arrow on the trajectory toward your destiny.

Under this new moon you have gotten clear on what you want from your future, Uranus will show you what you still are allowing to hold you back. You may feel this as frustration, anxiety, deep emotions or simply Uranus coming in to pull the rug out from under you and bring sudden changes to help free you. In a similar way to Pluto, Uranus will only break up what is old, stuck and stagnant, but he often does this in a way that feels unexpected, sudden and, in ways, that you weren’t prepared for.

This new moon also reminds us that it is our energy that creates our reality.  The frequency that we maintain is what we will attract back to ourselves.  We are being asked to get very clear about our energy.  And, it is opening a portal – an invitation- to choose our own vibration intentionally and to align it with our intentions and desires.

This is a moon to tap into miracle consciousness, to dream big and envision a new world – for yourself, and for others. You came here at this time for a reason and it’s now that you begin to be called forward to find out exactly why. Be part of the revolution, the change, the shift. Take a quantum leap towards your soul and trust that you’re going to get caught. As the visionary trailblazer Ralph Waldo Emerson reminds us:

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

You are creating your own future under this new moon, make it a future that you deeply desire and want.

It’s time to explore, dream and discover.   This new moon is calling you to create the future that you desire by authentically following the call of your soul.


Journal Reflections:

  • What does living authentically mean to you?

  • How do you embrace your own uniqueness?

  • What dream or vision do you have that challenges the norm (ie. societal expectations) and how can you step towards it?

  • What thought patterns and systems limit your freedom ad authenticity?  What emotional patterns or beliefs around love are you ready to release?

  • What is your current body vibration?  What frequency are you putting out into the world?  What vibration are you intentionally cultivating each day?

  • How does that vibration reflect what is happening within you?

  • What are 3-5 things that you can do to change your vibration?

  • What top 3 things consistently lower your vibration?


I am the architect of the unseen.

I root my vision into the Earth and carry it forward with love.

   I trust my vision, carry my purpose, and am guided by the light of my own vision and desires.

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